"Great nation is a nation that respects the services of heroes." That sentence pearls are implanted to all elements of the Indonesian nation.
As an organization that also upholds the services of a national hero, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) North Halmahera (Halut) the date of May 20, 2015 has been carrying out activities to commemorate National Awakening Day, or commonly abbreviated Harkitnas. At the age of 107 Harkitnas that all this time, BPS district. Halut in accordance with the instructions of the President and Vice President through the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, with full khikmat ceremony.
With the theme, "Through the National Awakening Day, We Work Hard Heartening Brought Forward and prosperous Indonesia," all employees of BPS district. Halut expected to be able to work with passion, homeland defense or patriotism. Through the instruction of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology, all elements of the BPS district. Halut required to be able to empower themselves as human statistics.
Harkitnas ceremony began with a tribute to the Sang Saka Merah Putih as a form of loyalty and love for the nation and state of Indonesia.
BPS as a non-departmental agencies engaged in statistical Indonesia, have a duty to improve the quality of data that is reliable, and for all parties. This is an implementation of a sense of human BPS highest award, especially BPS district. The Founding Farthers Halut to this country.
"Development is expensive, but it would be much more expensive if the building without data." Thus one sentence intact BPS as a commitment in building construction raw materials, namely quality data and reliable.
Thus, through Harkitnas warning this time, BPS district. Halut have the spirit and determination to continue to improve relentless in shaping quality data, accurate as the spearhead of public policy targeted and efficient.